Conservation Commission Public Meeting Regarding the Plans for the Town Preserve

To enhance the meeting regarding the Town Preserve Update public meeting on Wednesday, September 4th at 6pm in the Town Office Building, we have invited several people who have excellent knowledge and expertise about our plans. Wendy Scribner is a Forestry Field Specialist who is affiliated with the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension. Tim Nolin is a New Hampshire Licensed Forester who wrote the Wildlife Habitat Improvement & Forest Stewardship Plan which is on the Conservation Commission page of the town website. Karen Bordeau is a Certified Wildlife Biologist working for the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Frank Frazier and I took a very informative four-hour walk on the Town Preserve with Tim and Karen on December 3, 2018. Frank did a nice write-up of that walk which is on the Conservation Commission town website page. Wendy and Tim have committed to the September 4th town meeting, and Karen is eager to attend but is still determining her availability for that evening. The 250-acre Town Preserve has so much to offer, and we look forward to your input!