Town Election

Event Date: 
Tuesday, March 9, 2021 - 1:00pm to 6:00pm


Brookfield Town Office
United States

Voters may register at the polls on election day. RSA 39:1; 669:1; 654:7-a, 7-b

Any person has the right to observe in-person voter registration.  They may not be positioned within 5 feet of the voter registration table.  The ballot clerk must publicly announce name and address of person registering.  RSA 654:7-c

No person not authorized by law may stand or sit within 6 feet of the ballot clerk for purposes of observing the check-in of voters without the express permission of the moderator. RSA 659:13-a; 666:4,5

5:00 p.m. Deadline for town clerk to accept any completed absentee ballots delivered by mail, or by a delivery agent. RSA 669:29; 657:17, 657:22